Sunday, January 6, 2008

Peripheral neurofibromas pearls

1. Solitary NF's in otherwise healthy patients (ie. , those without NF-1) may be painless or painful subcutaneous swelling without neurologic features, unless they arise from a major nerve trunk or plexus in which case they may have motor and sensory dysfunction.

2. Multiple neurfibromas such as seen in NF-1 do not transform and are a cardinal feature of NF-1.

3. Plexiform neurofibromas arise from deeply situated nerves and can be very damaging but are highly prevalent in NF-1; in one study 35 % of patients had them in the abdomen and pelvis and four percent in chest and supraclavicular areas. Surgical results for plexiform neurofibromas are not nearly as good as solitary type.

4. In patients without NF-1, spinal tumors are usually schwannomas.

1 comment:

outre said...

Actually, plexiform neurofibromas can be cutaneous and not involve deep nerves.